成语大全网 - 成语解释 - 求动词名词化的英文广告语和网络语


英语词汇词性的相互转换由来已久,而且随着语言的发展,词性转换更加丰富多彩, 日趋广泛。它的语用效果更是无以伦比,特别是名词动词化的使用,如同一道亮丽的风景线无不使读者惊叹不已。





They hounded the wolf into the forest. 他们把狼追进森林。

The policemen dogged his steps. 警察跟踪了他。

He ducked his head and went past. 他低下头走了过去。

Don’t parrot textbooks. 不要死背课本。

Our cat mouses well. 我家猫很会捉耗子。

The road snakes through the mountain. 那条路斗折蛇行穿过群山。

He fished the map from the back of the drawer. 他从抽屉后面找出地图。

Do you think that you can fox me? 你以为你可以欺骗我吗?

I really pigged out during Thanksgiving. I may never recover. 感恩节我确实吃伤了肚子,也许再也恢复不过来了。

He hared off the moment I shouted “stop!”. 我一喊“站住!”,他就飞快地逃跑。

Stop monkeying with these tools! 不要乱动那些工具!

They had to worm their way through the narrow tunnel. 他们得钻过狭窄的隧道。

He wolfed down his lunch. 他狼吞虎咽地吃了午饭。


这类名词动词化后具有普及、流行、直观等特点,用之使语义更形象具体、一目了然。 如:

I usually bus to work in the morning. 我早上通常乘公***汽车上班。

I asked him to pocket the money. 我让他把钱装进袋里。

She penciled his words in the notebook. 她用铅笔把他的话记在笔记本上。

He often goes to hook a fish on Sundays. 他星期天常去钓鱼。

The wounded were bedded in the farmhouse. 把伤员安置在农家住宿。

Cavorting and diving at breathtaking speeds, the beautiful birds(指鹰) mirrored each other in flight. 在空中翻飞嬉戏,又作闪电式俯冲,矫健的鹰双双比翼齐飞,形影相随。

I was sandwiched between two very fat men on the bus. 我在公***汽车上被夹在两个大胖子之间。

Smog blankets the city. 烟雾笼罩着城市。

Xiao Wang was chosen to chair the meeting. 大家选小王当会议主席。

She dusts her office every day. 她每天打扫办公室。

She cupped her hands round her mouth and shouted. goods flooded the markets of the developing countries. 过去的几十年中洋货充斥着发展中国家的市场。

The hard life has salted his hair. 艰难的岁月已使他满头白发。

Liaoning Province is watered by many rivers. 许多河流流经辽宁省。

The dog treed the cat. 狗把猫撵上树。


这部分名词动词化主要用来表示“用……” 进行动作或活动,语言更简明,更生动。如:

She has thumbed through the new dictionary. 她已翻遍了这本新词典。

The dog nosed the door open. 狗用鼻子把门拱开。

She tiptoed across to the bed where the child lay asleep. 孩子睡着了,她踮着脚走到床。