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"Snow" "(Frozen), 2013 Disney 3D animation film, Disney founded 90 anniversary works, adapted from Andersen's fairy tale" Snow Queen ".

讲述了在艾莎继承皇位后,她的魔力失控冰封大地,而乐观无畏的安娜(克里斯汀·贝尔配音)挺身而出,和 热爱冒险的山民克里斯托夫(乔纳森·格罗夫 配音)以及他的驯鹿搭档组队出发,展开一段魔法层出不穷、旅程峰回路转的故事。他们为了找到安娜的姐姐——阿伦戴尔的女皇艾莎(伊迪娜·门泽尔 配音),破除她的冰封魔咒。一路上他们遇到搞笑的神奇雪人、奇幻的精灵、意想不到的魔法迷阵,更在雪崩冰裂中步步惊心……最终用爱心感化了冰雪,过上了幸福的生活。

About the succession to the throne after the EDSA, her magic out of the frozen earth, but optimistic fearless Anna (Kristen Baer) step forward bravely, and adventurous mountaineer Christof (voiced by Jonathan Grove) and his team of reindeer partner, on a magical journey The path winds along mountain ridges. story emerge in an endless stream. They are to find Anna's sister -- Aisha Allen of Queen Dell (voiced by Idina Menzel), get rid of her frozen. Along the way they encounter funny magic snowman, fantasy elves, beat all magic maze, more in avalanche ice crack in startling step by step...... Finally on the ice with love, live a happy life.