成语大全网 - 成语解释 - 求翻译!速度!准确! 你知道吗?遇见你后,一切都感觉那么好。 你总能让我笑,你说过的每一句话我都

求翻译!速度!准确! 你知道吗?遇见你后,一切都感觉那么好。 你总能让我笑,你说过的每一句话我都

You know what? I met you, everything feels so good. You always make me laugh, every word you said I remember very clearly, I care about you .. we said yes, we want to test the same school. I believe you, I believe you will not be affected by the time change. No matter the ending is perfect, my world you should not disappear. I will always be there, I'll always be by your side. You'll always be my little fool, I will always be your little fool. Does not change.