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In the early 2008, when several other firms made a bid to purchase Vensys, Goldwind

opted to purchase a 70% stake in the company outright so that it could continue its

partnership. Becoming the controlling owner of the company gave Goldwind more

control over the direction of the R&D of Vensys, as well as less constraints over access to

its intellectual property. Goldwind, somewhat surprisingly, has opted to encourage rather

than discourage Vensys’ partnerships overseas, including its licensing arrangements

with overseas companies that include Enerwind of Argentina, IMPSA in Brazil, ReGen

Powertech in India, Eozen in Spain and CKD NOV? Energo in the Czech Republic and

Slovakia. Wu Gang, Goldwind’s CEO, believes that it is important to give the designers

at Vensys the creative freedom that they need, and by allowing them to directly engage in

the manufacturing process, they may improve the quality of their designs through more

direct learning by doing (Wu, 2009).

2008年早期,在其它公司对Vensys跃跃欲试之际,金风科技成功地受够了该公司70%的股份,建立了合作关系。对该公司的控股,更便于金风科技为Vensys公司的科研方向掌舵,同时也突破了知识产权这个壁垒。金风科技还神奇的激励了Vensys海外研发团队的工作积极性,得到了多家海外公司的经营许可权,如,阿根廷的Enerwind,巴西的IMPSA,印度的ReGen Powertech,西班牙的Eozen以及捷克***和国及斯洛伐克的CKD NOV? Energo 等等。金风科技总裁吴刚坚信Vensys公司内部的设计师最需要的就是尊重其创作自由权,只有融入到生产中,才能通过实践,设计出更好的产品。

As the company has expanded, it has become increasingly able to compete for the

most skilled workers in the wind turbine industry and reportedly has been able to attract

former employees of GE, Gamesa, Vestas and Siemens. Goldwind is currently

manufacturing turbines for the Chinese market almost exclusively, but it is in the process

of building a small demonstration wind farm in Minnesota and has plans to expand in

the USA and Australian markets. The company reports they invested more than

$17 million in R&D in 2009.
