成语大全网 - 汉语词典 - tableland,highland,upland之间有什么区别?



tableland n.

a large area of high flat land

highland adj. [only before noun]

1 connected with an area of land that has hills or mountains

eg. highland regions, highland roads

2 Highland connected with the Highlands of Scotland


n. [usually plural] an area of high land that is not near the coast

adj. [only before noun] upland agriculture

参考词典给出的解释, tableland 侧重表示的是高原、高地的空旷;

highland 可作形容词也可作名词,表达的是高地上的山脉绵延之感,尤其表示与苏格兰高地有关;

upland 可作名词也可作形容词,强调的是离海岸很远。

由此看来,三者虽然都是 “高原” ,但其词性和侧重点并不完全相同,表达的意思有区别。



1、牛津高阶词典上仅说 highland 可作形容词,不过根据百度显示, highland 也可作名词,但意思一致;

2、 highland 与 upland 作形容词时仅可作定语,不可单独作表语。