Poor Tom
In a few minutes, it'll all be over.
And for the first time since he met her...he 'll be happy.
Poor miserable, lovesick creature.
I suppose people will say i should've helped him.
I know.
But it's better this way.
I'll never forget that first morning when it all started.
If ever there were two true friends...that was us.
And then she walked by.
When Tom first saw her, i thought he'd flip his lid.
And he did.
From the very beginning, there was...a strong magnetic attraction between them.
I tried to stop him, but it was no use.
Poor simple Tom.
He was putty in her hands.
I've never seen him so happy...or so much in love.
But Tom had a rival.
Mr. Butch.
Yes...Tom had a rival.
But this made him more determined than ever.
I appealed to him as a friend to give her up, but he ignored me.
Tom was desperate.
He squandered all his savings on jewelry.
When the jewelry failed to impress her,he signed away his life to buy a car.
312 monthly payments...at 1120%0 interest.
It cost him an arm...and a leg.
But he willingly sold himself into slavery...for love.
Tom went downhill fast after that.
He started drinking.
The next step was...the gutter.
Well, that's the story.
The story of a cat with a broken heart.
Too bad everybody doesn't have a girl like mine.
A girl that loves me...and only me...with every bit of her true blue...ever-loving heart.