成语大全网 - 汉语词典 - port of loading是什么意思

port of loading是什么意思

port of loading的意思是装货港,装货港/起运港的英文解释是Port Of Loading,简称写作POL,起运港也叫始发港、出发港、离开港等,简称POD,那么为什么这里不用POL呢,因为后面这个POD既可以指起运港也可以指卸货港。

port of loading 和port of shipment的区别:

1.port of loading:Place where shipments are loaded and secured aboard a vessel. It may or may not be the same as port of shipment.


2.port of shipment: Place where a shipment actually originated (began its journey towards its destination).
