成语大全网 - 汉语词典 - PARKER笔上 MADE IN UK后面有个 IL是什么意思?

PARKER笔上 MADE IN UK后面有个 IL是什么意思?

代表生产的季度。 下面是代号所处的年份及对应的季度。 Year Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 1970 - QE QC QL QI 1971 - UE UC UL UI 1972 - AE AC AL AI 1973 - LE LC LL LI 1974 - IE IC IL II Note that EI could also denote Q1 1984 or Q3 1988 etc 1975 - TE TC TL TI 1976 - YE YC YL YI 1977 - PE PC PL PI 1978 - EE EC EL EI 1979 - NE NC NL NI Date coding begins in the US 1980 - QE QC QL QI 1981 - UE UC UL UI 1982 - AE AC AL AI 1983 - LE LC LL LI 1984 - IE IC IL II Note that EI could also denote Q1 1974 or Q3 1988 etc 1985 - TE TC TL TI 1986 - YE YC YL YI 从这个表中可以看到你的是74年第四季度生产的。 追问: 冷饭新炒之派克的日期代码系统[font=Verdana]他山之石[/font] [font=Verdana]原文来自parkerpens.net,版权属于原作者,略作翻译,谬误之处请不吝指出,并向原作者致谢。[/font] [font=Verdana][/font] [url= mon misconception. 派克公司从1934年中开始在大多数笔的上笔身和笔尖上同时标记生产日期代码,不过没有日期代码不一定意味着是1935年之前生产的笔,也有可能是因为很多笔的印记在使用时磨损掉了。最先的日期代码是在真空系列(Vacumatics)上发现的,由两位数字组成,第一位代表生产的季度,第二位代表生产的年份。例如1930年代生产的笔上标记着“47”是指这支笔在1937年第四季度生产,而不是1947年生产,这种情况常被误解。[/font] [font=Verdana][/font] [font=Verdana]In the second quarter of 1938 this system was however changed to save production time, and a new date code, using a system of dots, was adopted. The stamp initially had three dots and for each quarter one dot was filed down leaving none for the fourth quarter. Since production was overlapping examples exist with either the imprint 28 or .8. for the the second quarter of 1938. Also, since this coding system extended over a decade, a pen marked 38 could be produced the third quarter either in 1938 or 1948. 为节省制造时间,代码系统在1938年二季度发生了变化,采用了新的编码方式,使用打点进行标记。最初这种印记有3个点,每个季度打一个点,第四季度则不打点。由于生产的重叠,会存在1938年第二季度被标记为28和.8.同时存在的情况。而且,由于代码系统使用了十年以上,一支标记为38的可能是1938年3季度、也可能是1948年3季度生产的。[/font] [font=Verdana][/font] [font=Verdana]In 1950 a new system for the date coding was introduced where the two digits only indicated the year, not the quarter hence "50" means made in 1950, this system was used in the US until 1955 and in Canada a few years longer.. 1950年又使用了一种新的代码系统,两位数字,但是只表示年份不表示季度,故而“50”表示1950年制造,这种代码系统在美国使用到1955年而在加拿大早一两年结束。[/font] [font=Verdana][/font] [font=Verdana]Beginning in 1970 Parker in France and the UK began marking some of their pens on the trim or cap bands to allow for dating. Using the words "Quality pen", one letter per year, followed by a quarter marker, allowing for dating within a ten year span. Parker used this system more and more and it was introduced in the US in 1979. The quarter marker changed in 1987 from ECLI to III,II,I or none (last quarter) according to the below table. In 2000 the code again underwent a small change when the quarter switched sides with the year and there was a dot between them "Q.III" 1970年开始派克在法国和英国生产的笔身和笔帽装饰上进行日期标记。第一位每年依次使用“Quality pen”十个字母,后面是季度标记,可以在10年内使用。派克推广了此代码系统的运用,1979年开始在美国使用。其中季度代码1987年从ECLI变成了III,II,I和空白(第四季度),(位置也移到了年份代码的前面)如下表所示。 2000年代码系统再次做了小改变,季度代码移到了年份代码的后面并在两个代码中加上一个点(如Q.III)[/font] [font=Verdana][/font] [font=Verdana]Year Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 --------------------------------- 1970 - QE QC QL QI 1971 - UE UC UL UI 1972 - AE AC AL AI 1973 - LE LC LL LI 1974 - IE IC IL II Note that EI could also denote Q1 1984 or Q3 1988 etc 1975 - TE TC TL TI 1976 - YE YC YL YI[/font] [font=Verdana]1977 - PE PC PL PI 1978 - EE EC EL EI 1979 - NE NC NL NI Date coding begins in the US[/font] [font=Verdana]1980 - QE QC QL QI 1981 - UE UC UL UI 1982 - AE AC AL AI 1983 - LE LC LL LI 1984 - IE IC IL II Note that EI could also denote Q1 1974 or Q3 1988 etc 1985 - TE TC TL TI 1986 - YE YC YL YI (change) 1987 - IIIP IIP IP P 1988 - IIIE IIE IE E Note that EI could also denote Q1 1974 or Q1 1984 etc 1989 - IIIN IIN IN N[/font] [font=Verdana]1990 - IIIQ IIQ IQ Q 1991 - IIIU IIU IU U 1992 - IIIA IIA IA A 1993 - IIIL IIL IL L 1994 - IIII III II I 1995 - IIIT IIT IT T 1996 - IIIY IIY IY Y[/font] [font=Verdana]1997 - IIIP IIP IP P 1998 - IIIE IIE IE E 1999 - IIIN IIN IN N (change) 2000 - Q.III Q.II Q.I Q 2001 - U.III U.II U.I U 2002 - A.III A.II A.I A 2003 - L.III L.II L.I L 2004 - I.III I.II I.I I 2005 - T.III T.II T.I T 2006 - Y.III Y.II Y.I Y[/font] [font=Verdana]2007 - P.III P.II P.I P 2008 - E.III E.II E.I E 2009 - N.III N.II N.I N 你能肯定是74年的吗?84.93年的是什么样子?有图的话我加分.