成语大全网 - 汉语词典 - cross talk是什么意思

cross talk是什么意思

cross talk 意思是:

1 [U] (Brit) rapid

dialogue, eg between two comedians 机敏的对白(如两个滑稽演员之间的对话).

2 Electronics Undesired signals or sounds, as

of voices, in a telephone or other communications device as a result of coupling

between transmission circuits.电子学 串话:在电话或其它传输设备中由于传送线路间的耦合作用而产生的不希望出现的信号和声音

3 Ancillary, incidental

conversation: 交谈:补充性的、附属性的交谈:

如:cross talk among members of the
