成语大全网 - 汉语词典 - re-election 这个词,可数吗?看看这个新闻翻译

re-election 这个词,可数吗?看看这个新闻翻译

election 表 选举;推举时为可数名词;表示当选,选举获胜时是不可数名词

所以 re-election 表示 重新选举 应为可数名词,表示连任时为不可数名词,没有限定的时候不加the,有限定时可以加冠词the

如:his plans of fundraising event to support the re-election of President Barack Obama

意思:电视网络曾预测,在一段漫长而痛苦的竞选活动后,美国总统巴拉克?奥巴马会击败***和党候选人米特?罗姆尼,在 周二于白宫连任总统,这是其第二个任期。

1.I have an interview this afternoon ,and it is very important to me .

2.The interview which I 'll attend this afternoon is very impotant.

3.The interview which I 'll take part in this afternoon is very impotant.



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