Public Class Form1
Private Function GetPY(ByVal strParmeter As String) As String
Dim intTmp As String, i As Long
For i = 1 To Len(strParmeter)
intTmp = Asc(Mid(strParmeter, i, 1))
If intTmp < Asc("啊") Then
GetPY = GetPY & "*"
ElseIf intTmp >= Asc("啊") And intTmp < Asc("芭") Then
GetPY = GetPY & "A"
ElseIf intTmp >= Asc("芭") And intTmp < Asc("擦") Then
GetPY = GetPY & "B"
ElseIf intTmp >= Asc("擦") And intTmp < Asc("搭") Then
GetPY = GetPY & "C"
ElseIf intTmp >= Asc("搭") And intTmp < Asc("蛾") Then
GetPY = GetPY & "D"
ElseIf intTmp >= Asc("蛾") And intTmp < Asc("发") Then
GetPY = GetPY & "E"
ElseIf intTmp >= Asc("发") And intTmp < Asc("噶") Then
GetPY = GetPY & "F"
ElseIf intTmp >= Asc("噶") And intTmp < Asc("哈") Then
GetPY = GetPY & "G"
ElseIf intTmp >= Asc("哈") And intTmp < Asc("击") Then
GetPY = GetPY & "H"
ElseIf intTmp >= Asc("击") And intTmp < Asc("喀") Then
GetPY = GetPY & "J"
ElseIf intTmp >= Asc("喀") And intTmp < Asc("垃") Then
GetPY = GetPY & "K"
ElseIf intTmp >= Asc("垃") And intTmp < Asc("妈") Then
GetPY = GetPY & "L"
ElseIf intTmp >= Asc("妈") And intTmp < Asc("拿") Then
GetPY = GetPY & "M"
ElseIf intTmp >= Asc("拿") And intTmp < Asc("哦") Then
GetPY = GetPY & "N"
ElseIf intTmp >= Asc("哦") And intTmp < Asc("啪") Then
GetPY = GetPY & "O"
ElseIf intTmp >= Asc("啪") And intTmp < Asc("期") Then
GetPY = GetPY & "P"
ElseIf intTmp >= Asc("期") And intTmp < Asc("然") Then
GetPY = GetPY & "Q"
ElseIf intTmp >= Asc("然") And intTmp < Asc("撒") Then
GetPY = GetPY & "R"
ElseIf intTmp >= Asc("撒") And intTmp < Asc("塌") Then
GetPY = GetPY & "S"
ElseIf intTmp >= Asc("塌") And intTmp < Asc("挖") Then
GetPY = GetPY & "T"
ElseIf intTmp >= Asc("挖") And intTmp < Asc("昔") Then
GetPY = GetPY & "W"
ElseIf intTmp >= Asc("昔") And intTmp < Asc("压") Then
GetPY = GetPY & "X"
ElseIf intTmp >= Asc("压") And intTmp < Asc("匝") Then
GetPY = GetPY & "Y"
ElseIf intTmp >= Asc("匝") And intTmp < 0 Then
GetPY = GetPY & "Z"
ElseIf (intTmp >= 65 And intTmp <= 91) Or (intTmp >= 97 And intTmp <= 123) Then
GetPY = GetPY & Mid(strParmeter, i, 1)
GetPY = GetPY & "*"
End If
End Function
Private Sub Form_Load()
End Sub
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
for i=0 to rs.recordcount
DChar = GetPY(rs("**"))
if MyChar=DChar then
end if
End Sub
End Class