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study 1

/ ?st?d?; ˋst?d?/ n

[U] (also studies [pl]) process of gaining knowledge of a subject, esp from books 学习; (尤指)读书; 研究: fond of study 好学 * give all one's spare time to study 把业余时间全用於学习 * My studies show that... 我经研究得出结论... * [attrib 作定语] study time 学习时间.

[C] (a) (book, etc that is the result of an) investigation of a subject 研究; 研究成果; 作为研究成果的着作等: make a study of the country's export trade 研究该国的出口贸易 * publish a study of Locke's philosophy 发表研究洛克哲学思想的论述. (b) (usu pl 通常作复数) subject that is (to be) investigated 研究科目; 学科; 课题: scientific, legal studies 科学方面的、 法律方面的研究课题.

[C] room, esp in sb's home, used for reading and writing 书房(尤指家中的).

[C] (a) drawing, etc done for practice, esp before doing a larger picture (绘画等)习作; (尤指绘制大幅图画之前的)试画. (b) (music 音) composition designed to give a player exercise in technical skills 练习曲.

a study [sing] thing worth observing; unusual sight 值得注意的事物; 不寻常的景象: His face was a study as he listened to their amazing news. 他听到他们那令人吃惊的消息时, 脸上呈现异样的表情.

(idm 习语) in a brown study => brown. study 2

/ ?st?d?; ˋst?d?/ v (pt, pp studied)

[I, Ipr, It, Tn, Tw] give one's time and attention to learning about (sth), esp by reading, attending a university, etc 学习(某事物)(尤指阅读、 上大学等); 研读; 攻读; 研究: studying (for a degree in) medicine 攻读医科(的学位) * studying to be a doctor 读医科 * It's hard finding time to study (the subject). 很难找出时间来学习(这门学问). * I'm studying how children learn to speak. 我正在研究儿童是如何学说话的.

[Tn, Tn.pr] examine (sth) very carefully 仔细察看(某事物): study the map, menu, programme 细阅地图、 菜单、 节目单 * Scientists are studying the photographs of Mars for signs of life. 科学家在仔细察看火星照片, 看有没有生命的迹象.