one two six ten cat dog pig
big fat are was too cup sky tie tea May Jay Mon day lay fit mom die dad lip cut sex
Ben, Eva, Bob, Rob, Len, Alf, Kay, Ian, Joe, Jim, Pat, Sue, Ted, Wyn, Zoe, Amy, Tom, Pam, Fay, Kim
ant shy she him hit his her you eye dog pop zig zag wet net cop cap ant bee cat dog egg fly gel him ill jet kit lit man not one pet que raw see ten van win yet zoo are ice ear tea pie fee net sea hey win can air get wet dog sit set hit ray yet zoo lie lay but bit bad sad fan fun who six ten one two for oil ill ant tie cat run ran won can hot hat his him her son rat sit sat dig dag dug mum dad leg arm add all end mix are all and bed bad big but cap cat can cut dog egg fly fee for fan gas his her its red pig pay the pen six low key now new men yet you who was two old win tea cat car bag bat hat sat mad map cap nap sad lad dad ant rat fat big pig fig sit dig box mop not rob mom bob fox ill sir six two too beg bed met bet she,her,his,him,the,one,two,six,ten,get,fat,end,fox,egg,fax,got,hot,hit,hat,job,kid,key,and,aid,old,new,now,zoo,yes,you,cut,cat,but,our,was,eve,all,lot,buy,boy,bed,lay,bad,lie,mum,dad,cow,not,can,nut,why,are,bet,net,sex,pat,man,fun,say,put,von,wet
boy 男孩
own 自己的
sad 伤心的
eye 眼睛
job 工作
dry 干燥的
can 可以
may 可能
bed 床
bag 包
age 年龄
air 空气
ace 杰出的
act 行为
add 增加
ago 以前
aid 帮助
aim 针对
all 所有的
and 和
any 任何一个
apt 恰当的
arm 胳膊
ask 询问
bad 坏的
bee 蜜蜂
beg 乞讨
bet 打赌
bid 企图
big 大的
bin 垃圾箱
bit 少量
box 盒子
fox 狐狸
bud 发芽
but 但是
bug 虫子
bus 公***汽车
buy 购买
cat 猫
cop 警察
cow 奶牛
cry 哭
cut 切
dam 水坝
day 一天
dig 发掘
dog 狗
ebb 退潮
egg 鸡蛋
end 末尾
fan 扇子
far 遥远
few 很少
fit 安装
fix 修理
fly 飞行
foe 敌人
for 由于
fun 娱乐
fur 皮毛
gay 欢快的
gap 缺口
get 得到
gun 枪
guy 伙计
gym 体育馆
ham 火腿
hat 帽子
hay 干草
hen 母鸡
hit 击中
hot 热的
how 如何
hug 拥抱
hut 小窝
ice 冰
ill 有病
jam 拥挤
jet 喷射
jog 慢跑
joy 喜悦
key 钥匙
lag 落后
Law 法律
lay 放置
leg 腿
let 让
lie 躺
log 木料
lot 许多
low 矮
mad 恼火的
man 男人
mix 混合
mud 泥浆
new 新的
not 不
now 现在
odd 奇特的
off 离开
old 老的
opt 选择
ore 矿石
out 过时
paw 爪子
per 每
pet 宠物
pie 馅饼
pig 猪
pit 地洞
pub 酒吧
put 放
ray 光线
run 跑
see 看见
say 说
sea 大海
set 搁置
shy 害羞的
sit 坐
ski 滑雪
sun 太阳
tag 标签
tea 茶
tap 龙头
top 顶部
tie 领带
too 也
try 尝试
via 经过
web 网络
why 为什么
win 赢
yes 是的
yet 但是
zip 拉链
zoo 动物园
has 有pen笔 big大的 lot货物 sit坐 see看 saw看 sea海 bin箱 jam果酱 you你 our我们的 loo厕所 bed床 two二 sew缝纫 hug 拥抱net网络 who谁 one一 six六 ten十 cut切 map地图 mug杯子
litlight过去式 sin罪 nut坚果 fat胖的 red红的
row排 bad 坏的mum mom 妈妈 dad 爸爸 hat帽子
buy买 box箱子
eat egg she has hot day gun now fan pen eye ear ewe map one old two due dud six did cud fir fly fit cat few don hen fat cut cue yes eat ten ebb ago ear egg ash awe far awl bee bet bid leg eve big dog gap dim dig fry fun bin cap arm ten too bee lip gif jpg can god
fop for fox box and ant sky our its new man him man any kid
4个字母:clog coat cool cold near cone cure crux cute dale darn ship dear deck deft desk diet dike dime dote drab door done dove doze dune dung duty dyne age dyke east west Eden nine blue pink fale fall face nose hair neck fair this that thus feel feed fear firm film fire find fiew flap flat flee flaw ford fort foul fowl fray free furl gear neck fair fend fish file four five flue folk food fond fund fuss gate gilt gin girl gant gnaw goal good love life geay date cook seat glad work farm aunt uncle safa only fish rice milk idea take took eait have dear hate over just pass paor here give look like tall shoe then bike baby help tell sure some poor live wall pant