1:spread:你说是“被传播”,对,但是,学习英语的时候,一定要把握英语单词本身的意思,如何?当你不知道英语单词的确切意思时,一定要参照英文解释,不可完全相信中文释义:看spread英文解释:1. distribute or disperse widely 2. become distributed or widespread。注意第二个解释,本身就包含被的意思,当然就不必再搞个被动了。第一个解释主动意思,按道理也可以用,这就是老外的习惯了,在国外许多考试中,语法上是对的,但不符合习惯也是错的,你说一个表达方法从来不被人用,你用的,大家不接受,当然被认为是错的。再看《柯林斯高级英汉双解词典》If something spreads or is spread by people, it gradually reaches or affects a larger and larger area or more and more people. 使扩散; 扩散; 传播。在这里,你看,两种都可以吧。但在消息传播这句话里面,老外几乎不用被动。
2.If something happens when something else is happening, the two things are happening at the same time. (表示两件事同时发生) 当…的时候
注意后面that he is dreaming,