Dismountable galvanized floor grating, anti-slip type bolted to metallic profiles frame in correspondence of the pump room and of the side cofferdams.
Dripping-pans under each motor with drainage to the oily bilge tank.
Fuel and oily bilge tanks of structural type, with manholes, flanged
penetrations and dripping-pans with coaming shall be positioned in a raised position to supply a slight positive head to the fuel feeding lines.
Pad eyes above all machineries for maintenance and debarkation.
Inside the pump room one shelving for storage and one working table with vice shall be installed.
Ballast tanks equipped with sounding pipes of at least 2" diameter heading to a recessed stainless steel/bronze terminal positioned on the deck at side.
Pipes schedule 80 for the pipes and for the penetrations (hot galvanized after the prefabrication) with construction details such that the galvanization will not be damaged by the installation.
Fuel tanks served by visual gauges of approved type by the Classification Society for hydrocarbons.
Level gauges for ballast tanks shall be of capacitive type, with upper head in a suitable box under the Main Deck, watertight, with bolted cover flush with the deck. Electric wire from the box to the Pump Room shall be laid down inside a metallic conduit, galvanized type and watertight.
Alternative type (air bubble) may be considered.
Oily bilge and sludge tank shall be arranged with sounding pipe in Pump Room above grating with approved type valve and pedal for open/close.
Ballast manifolds shall be equipped with not immersed shut off valves separating the system in three sections (port, centre and starboard) each one separately connectable to the suction and delivery manifolds of each one of the two pumps and to the sea chests. Each manifold section will have a drainage valve with plug.
注:你提供的英文有两处明显的错误,第一处是第一个单词;第二处是not immersed shut off valve应该是non immersible