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The composition of a gravel deposit砾石沉积物 reflects not only the source rocks母岩 of the area from which it was derived

but is also influenced by the agents responsible for its formation and the climatic regime in which it was or is being

deposited .


The latter two factors have a varying tendency to reduce the proportion of unstable material.


Relief地貌 also influences the nature of a gravel deposit,for example ,gravel production under low relief is small and the

pebbles tend to the chemically inert residues残余物 such as vein quartz脉石英 ,quartzite石英岩, chert黑硅石 and flint燧石.By

contrast high relief and rapid erosion侵蚀 yield coarse ,immature gravels.



Sands consist of a loose mixture of mineral grains and rock fragments岩石碎片. Generally they tend to be dominated by a few

minerals , the chief of which is quartz .


There is a presumed dearth缺乏 of material in those grades transitional to gravel on the one hand and silt on the other (see

Glossop and Skempton ).Stands vary appreciably有一点 in their textural maturity.

