The intent of this specification is to describe the design, construction and equipment of an ocean-going Product Chemical oil Tanker with the deadweight of about 16,500 tons. It shall be suitable for carrying liquid product oil, vegetable oils as per IMO II up to SG 1.3 in bulk, which can be carried in accordance with Class Notation, technical specification and which are not harmful to vessel's cargo system.
Additional cargoes to be finalized with Class and to be mutually agreed.
Following contract plans shall accompany and form an integral part of this Specification :
General Arrangement Plan (DrawingNo.OM-GFW50522-02D)
总布置图 (图号:OM-GFW90318-02D)
Midship Section (DrawingNo.OM-GFW50522-03D)
横剖面图 (图号:OM-GFW90318-03D)
Maker List (Drawing No. OM-GFW50522-04D
厂商表 (图号:OM-GFW90318-04D)
*Preliminary plans are subject to Class approval
This Specification and accompanying plans shall form an integral part of the Contract.
The vessel to be designed, constructed, equipped, tested and delivered complete to the Owner by the Builder in accordance with this Specification and working plans.
Details in design, construction, fabrication, installation, inspection, tests, workmanship etc. not covered by this Specification shall be in accordance with the Builder’s, Subcontractor’s/Manufacturer’s practices based on the appropriate standards and Classification Society’s and/or Regulatory bodies and/or Competent Authorities rules and regulations for this kind of vessel being adopted at the time of Vessel’s construction.
Materials, apparatus and equipment shall be in accordance with ISO/JIS or equivalent Chinese Standards.
All materials that shall be used for the construction of the vessel shall be Class approved.
It is to be understood that anything not mentioned in this Specification but required by the Classification Society or Regulatory Bodies listed herein, shall be supplied and/or equipped by the Builder.
Any requirement of the Owner, which is in excess of the requirements of the Rules and Regulations as specified in Article 108 “RULES AND REGULATIONS” and/or the content of this specification shall be subject to adjustment to the contract price, deadweight, etc, which may be effected, if notified in writing by the Builder and accepted in writing by the Owner.
If the same item duplicated in this Specification, it is to be understood that these items shall be supplied and/or equipped once only.
If any inconsistency is found between the Contract and this Specification and/or this Specification and Plan, the former shall prevail and govern unless otherwise agreed.
If any inconsistency is found between the Hull, Machinery and Electric Specifications, the description of the Specification which governs the installation or equipment shall prevail.
Any amendments or changes in Rules and Regulations as described in Article 108 “RULES AND REGULATIONS” as well as IMO and International Conventions issued and coming into effect after contract coming into force for the first vessel is to be treated as a modification to the Contract and to be subject to separate negotiations between the Owner and the Builder. However, all international Rules and Regulations which are known at present but not come into force and specifically mentioned in the Specification to be applicable on this vessel.
Any amendment or changes in this Specification and/or Contract Plans to be treated in a similar way as set out above.
If the Owner shall desire to apply the said amendment and/or changes to the vessel, the Builder shall submit in a written document, the effect on the ship’s price, deadweight, delivery date or any other item which may affect the Contract.
These amendments or changes shall come into effect after the agreement has been reached between the Owner and the Builder, and a written consent has been signed between both parties.
Amendment and changes to be recorded in a memorandum or written document signed by the Owner and the Builder. These documents shall be a supplement to the Contract Specification.
Whenever the term “or equal” is used after a brand or a type or a type of machinery equipment or component, the term “or equal” to be understood to mean that any substitute shall be of equivalent standard and quality. Subject to Owner’s written approval
无论何时,在牌号或型号或机械设备类型或构件之后使用“or equal”,应被理解为替代品,但应具有同等的标准和质量。并得到船东的签字认可。
Where ever in the Specification the term “or ”, “ if necessary”, “when considered” and other similar expressions may be used, the final choice in all important matters are to be made by mutual agreement between Builder and Owner.
本规格书很多地方可能会使用“or”,“if necessary”,“when considered”及其他类似的表达方式,但所有重大问题的最终选择应由船厂和船东达成的协议决定。
The Builder shall furnish all items required for the completion of the vessel in accordance with this specification except items specifically stated herein as to be furnished and supplied by the Owner.
”Makers List”
The builder shall have the option to select the makers from the “Makers List” which shall be prepared by the Builder and shall be mutually agreed between the Owner and the Builder, according to instructions。
However, the Buyer has the right to introduce certain material, articles, types and manufacturers in addition to the Makers List which shall be subject to mutual agreement.
102. CARGO LIST 货品清单
The cargo list for oil product which can lawfully be carriedaccording to Class Notation, technical specification and not harmful to vessel's coating and cargo system, principally:
-------- Oil cargoes (MARPOL Annex I), excluding Asphalt, Bitumen
-------- Vegetable oils (listed as IMO category IBC Code
植物油(见清单IMO 类IBC);
The details of the cargo list to be determined by CLASS.
103.1 Material 材料
Structural steel material of main hull structure to be of the quality as required by the Classification Society and shall be free of cracks, lamination, surface defects and other defects.
Manufacturers’ standard type, size and materials of machinery, equipment and fittings shall be adopted, unless otherwise specifically described in the Specification provided above, reference to standards are met and provided that they are in accordance with good international standard.
If any of the materials or equipment described in the Specification are not available, the Builder may supply other materials or equipment with Owner’s written agreement capable of meeting the requirements of the Classification Society and of the Rules and Regulations.
Substitution of the materials or equipment shall be subject to the provisions of the Contract.
No asbestos to be used in/on the Vessel. Statement of fact to be provided.
Quality and constructional arrangement to be made to ensure easy maintenance as far as practically possible for all machinery and equipment.
Stainless steel without grade notation in the specification shall mean Chinese Standard equivalent to JIS SUS 304 with Class approval when necessary.
本规格书中未注明牌号的不锈钢,意指等效于JIS SUS304的中国标准并经船级社认可。
Grease nipples shall be of pin type JIS B 1575 1/8” or equivalent ISO standard, but only one type to be used as far as possible throughout the vessel at Builder’s option.
油嘴将采用注入式JIS B 1575 1/8或等效的ISO标准,不过在船舶的整个建造过程中尽可能选用一种标准,这由船厂选择。
Damages occurring to materials shall be suitably corrected or replaced with new before delivery of the vessel.
103.2 Workmanship 工艺
All workmanship used in the construction of the vessel shall be in accordance with good international shipbuilding practice and all applicable rules, regulations and standards.
Builder’s and Makers’ standards in no area to be inferiorto CSQS (China Shipbuilding Quality Standards)
Shipyard undertakes to exercise a full quality control regime, effect the same standards throughout the series and ensure that same are met by all subcontractors employed in the construction of the vessels.
103.3 Spare Parts, tools and Accessories 备件、工具和附件
Spare parts, tools and accessories for the machinery and equipment shall be supplied in accordance with the Class recommendations and the manufacturer’s standards unless otherwise specifically described in the Specification. A reasonable amount of additional spare parts supplied by the Owner should, however, be placed onboard during the outfitting period without extra cost.
One spare anchor per vessel to be provided.
103.4 Definitions used in this Specification 本规格书中使用的定义
Contract: The shipbuilding contract for Hull Numbers: YX009, YX010,YX011
合同: 建造合同船号:YX009,YX010,YX011
Builder, contractor: JIU JIANG YIN XING Shipyard, China
建造者,承包人: 九江银星造船有限公司,中国
Specification This specification
规格书: 本规格书
Vessel: This product oil /chemical tanker IMO II
船舶: 成品油船/化学品 II 类船舶
Classification Society: BV
船级社: BV
103.5 Unit of Measure 计量单位
Metric system to be adopted for design and construction of hull, machinery, equipment, etc
All measuring units such as power, pressure gauge, thermometer, volume gauge, tanks scales etc., to be in accordance with metric system.
103.6 Operating temperature 工作温度
Operating temperature of all exposed deck equipment such as, but not limited to, cranes, windlasses, hydraulic aggregates, hatch covers, navigating equipment shall be minus 20 degrees and 42 degrees Centigrade subject to Class approval.
103.7 Standards used in this Specification 本规格书中使用的标准
The following standards to be applied on construction of the vessel:
1. 下列标准在本船建造中被应用:
ISO Standards and Chinese Ship Building Standards
The Chinese Standards to be as follows:
1) Chinese Industry Standards (GB)
中国行业标准 (GB)
2) Chinese Ship Building Standard (CB)
中国造船业标准 (CB)
3) Chinese Metallurgical Standard (YB)
中国冶金标准 (YB)
4) Chinese Machinery and Electric Standard (JB)
中国机电标准 (JB)
5) China Shupbuilding Quality Standard (CSQS)
The ISO Standards to be applied as far as possible.
All flange to comply to ISO standard.
103.8 Language 语言
All documents and drawings for design and construction of the Vessel which shall be submitted to the Owner, shall be prepared in English.
103.9 Care of the Vessel during construction 本船建造期间的注意事项
Protection of Equipment and Material
The Builder and all or their subcontractors shall maintain a high level of cleanliness of all equipment and materials being part of the Vessel during the time of construction.
Wear and tear to be prevented as well as damage, ingress of grit and dirt, water and oil, paint over spray, burning damages etc.
. Protect all material being stored in warehouses or similar
damaged part to be exchanged or repaired “as new” condition.
Fire prevention 防火
A comprehensive and effective system of fire detection, protection and fighting to be organized and maintained while the vessel is under construction.
Suitable fire resistant covers to be used to protect intricate and vulnerable items of machinery and equipment from flying sparks or other potential sources of fire.
A fire watch to be maintained when welding near installed insulation. During welding operations, except for tack or spot welding, insulation material to be removed in way of the welding.
Fire precaution and safety inspection procedure system shall be established for Owner’s approval.
Special restrictions against smoking to be enforced when danger of fire or explosion exists as well as during fueling or handling of volatile and flammable materials.
Intrinsically safe lighting not to be used in freshly painted compartments or other spaces where a fire hazard may exist.