Moscow (English pronunciation: /mska/ or /msko/; Russian: Москва (help·info), tr. Moskva, IPA: [mskva]; see also other names) is the capital, the most populous city, and the most populous federal subject of Russia. The city is a major political, economic, cultural, religious, financial, educational, and transportation centre of Russia and the world, a global city. Moscow is the most populous city on the continent of Europe and the seventh largest city proper in the world, a megacity. The population of Moscow (as of 1 January 2010) is 10,563,038. [7] Moscow is situated on the Moskva River in the Central Federal District of European Russia. In the course of its history the city has served as the capital of a progression states, from the medieval Grand Duchy of Moscow and the subsequent Tsardom of Russia to the Soviet Union. Moscow is the site of the Moscow Kremlin, an ancient fortress that is today the residence of the Russian President and of the executive branch of the Government of Russia. The Kremlin is also one of several World Heritage Sites in the city. Both chambers of the Russian parliament (the State Duma and the Federation Council) also sit in Moscow. Moscow is a major economic and cultural centre. It is home to numerous scientific and educational institutions, universities, research institutes, museums and other cultural venues. The city is served by an extensive transit network which includes four international airports, nine railroad terminals, and the Moscow Metro, second only to Tokyo in terms of ridership and recognized as one of the city's landmarks due to the rich and varied architecture of it's 122 stations. Over time, Moscow has acquired a number of epithets, most referring to its size and preeminent status within the nation: The Third Rome (ТретийРим), Whitestone (Белокаменная), The First Throne (Первопрестольная), The Forty Forties (СорокСороков). [12] The demonym for a Moscow resident is Moskvitch, rendered in English as Muscovite. [13] 补充: 莫斯科 (俄语:Москва 聆听 (帮助·信息) [mskva])俄罗斯联邦的首都,也是俄罗斯政治、经济、科学文化及交通中心。整个莫斯科人口达到了14,612,602(市区人口:10472629),是欧洲人口最多的城市 [1] ,占据了整个俄罗斯人口的1/10。莫斯科面积1,081 平方公里,市区东西长30公里,南北长40公里。莫斯科建城于1147年,迄今已有800余年的历史。 历史 由来及变迁 莫斯科得名于如今穿越整个城市的莫斯科河,而莫斯科河的名字来源有三种解释,分别是低湿地(斯拉夫语)、牛渡口(芬兰-乌戈尔语)、密林(卡巴尔达语)。 莫斯科的建立被认为是在1147年,当时,尤里·多尔戈鲁基大公在争夺基辅王位的一次战争后战斗获胜后,他邀请了自己的盟友切尔尼戈夫公爵斯维亚托斯拉夫·奥利戈维奇去到了弗拉基米尔公国边境上的一个名叫莫斯科地点庆祝自己的胜利,这也是史书上第一次提及莫斯科这个地方,而后,俄罗斯人便把这一年作为莫斯科的诞生的日子。而后的1156年,尤里·多尔戈鲁大公在莫斯科巩固了防御措施,由此莫斯科便初具城市雏形。 1276年,首任莫斯科大公达尼埃尔立莫斯科为首府,1237年至1480年期间,莫斯科被蒙古帝国的子帝国之一金帐汗国统治;14世纪俄国人以莫斯科为中心,集合周围力量进行反对蒙古贵族统治的斗争,并于15世纪统一了俄国,建立了一个中央集权的封建国家,而莫斯科则成为俄国的首都。1700年后,彼得一世迁都到圣彼得堡。 1917年,列宁领导的十月革命胜利后,建立了苏维埃政权。苏维埃政府和***产党中央委员会于1918年3月从列宁格勒(后改名圣彼得堡)迁到莫斯科,并于1922年12月莫斯科正式成为苏联首都。而后1991年12月21日苏联解体,莫斯科成为俄罗斯联邦的首都直至今日。 _史上的经济及文化 莫斯科从最开始建立之初就首先考虑到了坚固性、可靠性,起初从莫斯科的南部和东部游牧部落的联盟经常威胁着它,而在西部的立陶宛和波兰的军队也虎视眈眈。所以弗拉基米尔、特维尔、诺夫哥罗德盟军同时建立了坚固的保垒。 在库林尔夫战役胜利之后(1390年之后及1480年《伊万三界观 鸟可拉》记载)当时一位象古不河洲米到了莫斯科,从此莫斯科公国迅速壮大起来。古十五世纪时莫斯科人口的数量、领土面积已经超过了伦敦,布拉格和欧洲一些大的城市。1861年农牧制度被废除后,资本主义在俄罗斯盛行起来,莫斯科逐渐发展壮大,它已经成为巨大的工业和贸易中心。 十九世纪米古莫斯科各类工业和贸易的企业已达20000多个,其中工业企业有10000多个,工人人数达到12万人,不少于16人的中小型的企业占绝大多数,但只有2%的企业人数超过50人。 在莫斯科的工业企业中纺织工业占多数,多数是建筑业,木材加工业、食品加工业、造纸业、制革业、汽车制造、工具生产厂家等等。在莫斯科工业发展百年历程中初期已经达到了比较高的社会化生产。 在1910年莫斯科6%大企业中集中了大约49%的工人。在那段时间里,超过500或更多的工人被认为是大型的企业。在工业大发展阶段,外国的资本工业大量涉入,莫所有的化学企业和电子技术企业都掌握在外国财团的手里。(如德国工业巨头)1917年的十月革命胜利后,在莫斯科大力发展了汽车制造业(从车床制造到手表制造),从轴承加工到小汽车生产,纺织加工,它极大地推动了金属加工业的发展。 莫斯科所谓的"印花的"大企业不得不退出了汽车制造业和电子技术业生产线,无线电技术,代表生产等领域。生产生活必需品为国家保障自给具有深远意义。莫斯科成为俄罗斯工业强劲的生产和技术基地。 在战争年代城市工业的结构转变到汽车制造业和金属加工业。在几百年的时间跨度里,莫斯科扮演了俄罗斯政治文化中心的作用, 这里汇集了具有纪念意义的历史建筑及纪念碑,克里姆林宫,新圣女修道院,莫斯科大学,凯旋门、圣山上的胜利公园等。莫斯科的权力机关充分认识到了这些文化遗产的宝贵,因此他们从没间断发起对这些遗产的保护。 地理 地形 莫斯科位于北纬55度到56度,东经37度到38度之间,地处俄罗斯平原中部,奥卡河和伏尔加河两河间的中俄罗斯高地。城市面积1080·47平方公里。大莫斯科(包括环城公路以内地区)面积900平方公里,包括外围绿化带***为1725平方公里。莫斯科位于三种地形交接处。西北接斯摩棱斯克-莫斯科高地(地势较为平坦,海拔175-185米)。南接莫斯克沃列茨科-奥卡河平原(海拔200-250米的乔普雷斯坦高地,沟壑众多)。东面是梅晓拉低地,有坚硬的沙丘,海拔约160米。 [编辑] 气候 莫斯科属于温和的大陆性气候。反常气象十分频繁。十二月会开始漫长的冰雪消融期,降雪量大,平均年积雪期长达146天(11月初—4月中),冬季长而天气阴暗。1月平均气温-10.2℃(最低-42℃),平均每年气温零度以上的天数为194天,零度以下--103天。而夏天可能气温陡降,阴雨连绵。7月平均气温18.1℃(最高37℃)。总计全年天气晴朗时间1568小时。最近十年冬季常有相对湿度(高于70%)和温度(高于0度)较高的记录。年平均降水量190-240毫米。降水高峰期为八月和十月,降水量最少的是四月。冬季多刮西风、西南风和南风。自五月开始西北风和北风较为频繁,另外,五月和九月是最好的旅游季节。 环境 莫斯科是世界上绿化最好的城市之一。从飞机俯瞰莫斯科,映入眼帘的是蓝天下葱绿的树丛和清沏透明的河湖,城市整洁干净。莫斯科市政府十分关心市内及郊区森林资源的保护。市内建有96座公园,14座花园,400个街心花园,160条林荫道。绿化总面积约占总面积的1/3,达4·56万公顷。市区森林面积1·16万公顷。此外还有莫斯科市动物园,占地20公顷。在覆盖着草皮的灰化土地带分布着大片的松林。一些地方沼泽较多。莫斯科附近的森林里有各种野兽:麋、野猪、鹿、狐狸、白鼬、猞猁、貂、兔子,以及各种各样的飞禽。 补充: 建议你去这个网站看看:关于莫斯科的中英文的都有 ( 英文) ( 中文)
Dear Peter
Since you are from new zealand, I suppose you are my "penfriend" and you speak english. So, I'm gonna share you some experience about Russia and Olympics. Because this winter I went to Russia and watch Olympics. I gotta tell you, this is an amazing, wonderful game which can also teach you a lot Russian culture and get friendship. Look, how miraculous!
manipulated -by- stupid- teachers -and- going -to -be -a -loser friend XXX
莫斯科是俄罗斯的政治、经济、 文化 、金融、交通中心以及最大的综合性城市,是一座国际化大都市。拥有众多名胜古迹,是历史悠久的克里姆林宫所在地,十分值得我们去游览。下面我为大家带来 旅游英语 莫斯科英文介绍及景点推荐,欢迎大家阅读!
Moscow is maddening, sprawling and chaotic, still scruffy in places. And yet it is also stunningly beautiful and vibrant, rich with history, culture and art.
More than a decade after the collapse of the Soviet Union(苏联1922-1991), Moscow has still not entirely shaken off its Soviet past. More than a few restaurants, hotels and museums seem determined to keep alive Soviet traditions of customer service, but the city is undergoing a rebirth that would have been unthinkable even a few years ago. Newboutique hotels(精品旅馆) are opening, while old hotels are being renovated to European standards. Restaurants, expensive and not so expensive, offer foods from all over the world.
It would be wrong to say the city is a Phoenix rising from the ashes since it never really fell that far, despite seven decades of Soviet rule and a tumultuous transition to a quasi-capitalistic quasi-democracy. It is fair to say, though, that it is regaining its place as one of Europe's thriving, intriguing capitals.
The government is now campaigning to make Moscow a tourism capital as well, trying to ease some of the difficulties that seem intended to repel tourists. Very few signs are in any language other than Russian, though the city's handsome Metro plans to start posting station names in the Latin alphabet, as well as the Russian Cyrillic(西里尔字母). The cumbersome, expensive visa-application process requires a letter of invitation (if you're traveling on your own, a Moscow hotel can often arrange one; otherwise, tour operators can do it). Nathela O. Shengelia, director of Russia's new Department of Tourism, is lobbying to ease those rules and end the irritating tradition of charging foreigners more at museums and churches.
Moscow, in the end, is worth the petty annoyances, and fall is an ideal time to visit. The short, hot summer has ended, and the long, cold winter has not yet begun. Although the city has experienced sensational, Mafia-style crimes, it is remarkably safe and clean, especially in the center. The city's tourism Web site, , says it as only Russians can: ''As beautiful as ever, despite all crises and misfortunes!''
莫斯科英文介绍相关 文章 :
1. 堪培拉英文介绍
2. 旅游常用英语词汇及句型整理
3. 莫斯科用英语怎么说
4. 世界旅游景点中英文对照