成语大全网 - 经典成语 - 英语:expire能用来说人去世了吗?表示尊重的感觉,可是词典上写的是断气了 不太好听啊

英语:expire能用来说人去世了吗?表示尊重的感觉,可是词典上写的是断气了 不太好听啊

die:to stop being alive

pass away:to die。This word is used to avoid saying “die” when you think this might upset someone

suffocate:to die because you cannot breathe, or to kill someone in this way

drown:to sink under water and die

starve:to suffer or to die because there is not enough food

lose your life:to die as a result of something such as an accident, war, or illness

lay down your life:to die as a result of doing something good for other people

perish:to die, usually because of an illness or something that happens suddenly

expire:to die

breathe your last (breath):to die

注释:expire做“断气,死亡”解为书面语,委婉用词。从本义“从肺部吐出气来”引申为吐出最后一口气,断气而死。例:The old lady expired within the hour.那个老太太不到一小时就死了。