成语大全网 - 经典成语 - 请问足浴行业的一些名词如何翻译成英文?


以下是项目明细及价格 Service details and prices are as follows:

精油颈椎理疗 Essential Oils Cervical Physiotherapy: ¥50

精油肠胃理疗 Essential Oils Gastrointestinal Physiotherapy: ¥50

男女面部护理 Men & Women Face Care: ¥50

耳烛排毒 Ear Candling Treatment: ¥40

精油刮痧 Essential Oils Scrapping: ¥50

精油拔罐 Essential Oils Cupping: ¥50

全身指压(65分钟) Full-body Finger Pressure (for 65 minutes): ¥70

半身油压 Half-body Hydraulic Pressure: ¥80

足浴(65分钟)70元 —— 免费:刮脚,扦脚,捏脚

Foot Bath (for 65 minutes): ¥70 (Foot Scrapping, Pedicure, and Foot Pinching for free)


Everything used by all items mentioned above, such as milk, old ginger, bath salt, Tibetan medicine, absorbine foot powder and essential oils, is free of charge.


Thanks for coming and we're looking forward to your next coming again!(翻译成中文就是:谢谢您的惠顾,我们期待您的下次光临!)