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Meet the record breakers来见识一下破纪录者

Hi I am Jill Gilbert, from Smokey Hollow Farm, point of Wisconsin. And Belgian breaks the Guiness World Record for the tallest horse. Big Jake is 11 years old. He stands 20 hands 2 and 3 quarter inches or 6 hands 3 quarter inches. Jake was purchased by my cousin. He was purchased in Nebraska when he was born, he weighed 240 pounds. And he is a Belgian. Jake gets great personality. He is very friendly. He is...he loves playing around. He plays with people's care. He is practically a big joke actually. So he's got a very very good temperament. Generally, the first reaction is silence. A lot of people don't say anything. It takes them about five minutes to comprehend how actually tall he really is. Jake and I start dieting. Strictly, we used to have a bale and a half day ...hay. All the water he can consume and we feed him a lot of oats, approximately two kilos of oats and lots of vitamins. He doesn't get sugar or anything like that. I've always been very loyal Guiness fan ever since I was a kid. In the seventies, I was always interested in the tallest horse, the fastest horse. It was very exciting for me. Having the Guiness world record for the tallest horse was just awesome. We all enjoy it. And Jake and me go different places and people are giving him all the attention.

